New Enterprise Co:Z Release 8.1.0 is available. Review the Release Notes and Download.
New Enterprise Co:Z Release 8.1.0 is available.

We offer an Enterprise License and Support Agreement for organizations that rely on our technologies for their business. Our combined Enterprise License and Support agreement covers the use of the Co:Z Toolkit in your entire enterprise. This is an annual subscription-based agreement. Pricing is based on the "total MSUs" in your enterprise. Refer to IBM's published numbers for "full capacity MSUS" to calculate the total MSUs in your enterprise.

If you are interested in reviewing our Enterprise License and Support Agreement which includes pricing by total MSUs, please contact us.

License Features Support Services SLAs Restrictions

No charge No support is provided. We maintain a community forum and answer questions there as time permits. N/A The Community License does not allow an outsourcer or other third party to install, manage, operate, or support the software.

If you are working with an outsourcer or a third party, contact us for a simple evaluation license.
Enterprise software warranties and indemnities Installation, defect and Q & A support.
Online ticket system and phone support.
24 x 7 x 365
One hour severity 1 response.
Outsourcing providers are permitted. We have agreements in place with several outsourcing providers, removing the need to execute an agreement with us. Contact us for more information.

Community Forum

If you wish to post questions on our community forum, please note the following code, which will be requested when you go through the registration process: 2904


We periodically hold webinars on new product features. To view prior webinars, visit the webinar page.